Supporting Documents


EM15-P: Pipeline Specification Overview

EM15-P: Pipeline Specification (revised 01 DEC 2015) was developed in April 2013 as a simplified version of the EM09 file format to be used for digital data exchange for permit coordinates and asbuilt coordinates for pipeline/utility lines (product pipelines, electrical and fiber optic conduits, etc). Pipeline/Utility lines are recorded as linear profile features in EM15-P: Pipeline Specification. Applications that can read and process the full EM09 file format will automatically be able to read and process the EM15-P: Pipeline Specification file format. Each EM15-P: Pipeline Specification file should include a pipeline/utility line declaration (a #P01 record that marks the beginning of the pipeline/utility information) and the coordinate list for that pipeline/utility line feature. If a permit application or asbuilt submission covers multiple pipelines/utility lines, a separate EM file must be submitted for each individual pipeline/utility line.

It will be determined by the lead Operations Manager whether an applicant is required to submit an EM15-P file for the proposed activity that affects a federally authorized project. Applicants will be made aware of any additional requirement during the official review process.

The following tools are available to help users create valid EM15-P files (header records to be competed manually):

       ***NEW*** EM15-P File Checker (*.zip 2.8 MB) release date 04/08/2016
        The EM15-P File Checker utility program will check your draft EM15-P file for errors in 
        formatting, missing pertinent header records, and other common mistakes based on the 
        current file specification.  The utility generates an error report so the user can make
        corrections to the file.  After editing the file, the user should re-run the utility to ensure
        all error has been corrected before submission to USACE.  README

       XYZ to EM15-P Converter (*.zip 1.63 MB) release date 09/13/2013
        The xyz_to_empipeline utility program will check for files with a .xyz or a .txt file extension. 
        An input file should include X, Y, and Z elements on each line.  The order should be X,Y,Z. 
        The  X,Y,Z elements can be comma-separated, space-separated, or tab-delimited.  README

       Shapefile to EM15-P Converter (*.zip 5.67 MB) release date 09/13/2013
        The shapefile_to_empipeline utility program will check for files with a .shp file extension.  
        Each .shp file that is found will be opened as an ESRI shapefile and will be evaluated to
        check whether it contains 3D line or 3D point features.  If the shapefile includes 3D point 
        features, those vertices will be read and output into an .em format file.  If the shapefile 
        includes multiple 3D line features, those lines will be read and output into separate .em 
        format files.  README

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Technical/Formatting inquiries should be emailed to