Civil Works
Designs, builds and operates environmental projects, flood control reservoirs, levees and floodwalls, and navigation locks and dams.
Manages contracts for construction and maintenance of district civil works projects and projects of other Corps districts and federal agencies.
Contracting/Doing Business With Us
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is dedicated and committed to the procurement of quality products and services from the surrounding communities.
Emergency Management
The Mission of the Hurricane Protection Office is to provide the 100-year level of protection in Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard and parts of Jefferson Parishes.
Employment With Us
The main functions of this office are management and employee relations, labor relations, classification and position management, recruitment and placement and benefit management.
Engineering Division collects basic engineering data required for planning and design.
The Corps conducts environmental restoration projects, regulates dredging and excavation along rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands and cleans up hazardous and toxic waste.
Equal Employment Opportunity
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. The Equal Employment Opportunity Office ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.
Internal Review
The Mission of the Hurricane Protection Office is to provide the 100-year level of protection in Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard and parts of Jefferson Parishes.
Logistics Management
Logistics provides direction, coordination and technical guidance for all command logistics functions and business processes.
Responsible for facilitating safe, reliable and economically efficient movement of vessels. It does so by constructing and maintaining navigation channels and harbors, and regulating water levels on inland waterways.
Office of Counsel
Gives timely and relevant advice and representation in the areas of procurement, environmental, tort, admiralty, labor law and statutory construction.
Ecompasses navigation, regulatory, emergency operations and recreation services.
Programs and Project Management
This division conducts feasibility, reevaluation and other studies to determine the engineering, environmental and economic viability of proposed water resources projects.
Public Affairs
The Public Affairs Office is charged with keeping the public and Corps work force informed about Corps projects and activities. Here you'll find news releases and other information about who we are and what we do.
Real Estate
The Real Estate Division coordinates all real estate actions for the New Orleans District and advises the District Commander on all real estate matters.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provides quality, public outdoor recreation experiences to serve the needs of present and future generations while being consistent with ecosystem management principles.
Regulatory (Permits)
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program began in 1890 with the responsibility of protecting and maintaining the nations navigable waterways. Its mission has since been extended to all of the nations waters and wetland resources.
The New Orleans District Safety, Security, and Occupational Health Office is committed to the safety and well being of Corps employees and the public while on Corps facilities.
Small Business
The U.S Army Corps of Engineers strives to continue as a premier organization in developing small businesses and maximizing their opportunities to participate in our procurements.