The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District (CEMVN), has prepared Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment #555 (SEA #555) titled “Terrebonne Non-Federal Levee Mitigation, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana” which is available for your review. This notice is being posted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and the Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) Regulations [40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1500-1508].
The purpose of the proposed action discussed in SEA #555 is to evaluate the impacts of purchasing brackish marsh credits from the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources In Lieu Fee Program and/or mitigation banks to offset the outstanding 6.73 AAHU brackish marsh mitigation requirement not satisfied through construction of the marsh creation project. Additionally, brackish marsh ILF program and/or mitigation bank credits would be purchased to mitigate the 2.48 AAHUs of damage to the marsh creation project incurred from ATV use of the site with the assumption that the non-Federal sponsor will not allow further damage to the project.
Please contact Mr. Daniel Meden; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Regional Planning and Environmental Division South; PDS; 7400 Leake Avenue; New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 to request a copy. Requests can also be made by calling (504) 862-1014, e-mailing, or by fax to (504) 862-2088.
The 30-day public review and comment period for SEA #555 will begin on Feb. 1 2019, and end on March 3, 2019. Interested parties may express their views on the proposed action. All comments postmarked on or before the expiration of the comment period for this notice will be considered. All comments should be sent to Mr. Daniel Meden.