NAME OF APPLICANT: Terrebone Basin Conservation, LLC, 7330 Highland Road, Suite B-1, Baton Rouge, LA 70808, ATTN: Mr. Greg Fell .
LOCATION OF WORK: Located in Lafourche Parish, Sections 42,43,70,71, and 78-80, Township 16 South and Ranges 17 and 18 East, approximately 11 miles southeast of the city of Thibodaux, Louisiana, as shown within the enclosed drawings. (Hydrologic Unit Code 08090302, West Central Louisiana Coastal watershed) (lat. 29.700257, long. -90.667504).
CHARACTER OF WORK: The project site totals approximately 4,262.6 acres of pasture and existing wetland habitats. The applicant/Sponsor proposes to restore, enhance, and preserve approximately 332 acres of bottomland hardwoods, 285.5 acres of cypress swamp, and 3404.4 acres of coastal tidal freshwater marsh. Surface hydrology would be restored or improved through the removal of culverts, degradation of interior berms, plugging of artificial swales, and installation of culverts in targeted locations Following site preparation activities, the site would be planted with appropriate seedlings. The scope of work is detailed in the attached mitigation banking prospectus.