General Permits for Use in the New Orleans District

General Permit Number

Initial Issue Date

Expiration Date

Activity Description


01 MAY 98

01 JUN 27

Programmatic General Permit Coastal Zone


31 JAN 78

11 MAR 27

Camp and Appurtenances

GP-13 22 MAR 81 31 DEC 28

Oilfield access roads, drilling locations, pits, ring levees, and associated facilities


01 NOV 82

31 MAR 28

Hazardous Condition Response Activities


26 SEP 83

31 OCT 27

Certain Miscellaneous Activities Within the Louisiana Coastal Zone That Have Little Individual or Cumulative Adverse Impacts


29 JUN 82

31 OCT 27

Maintenance Dredging - Removal of New Silt Accumulations In the Mississippi River at Docks, Mooring Areas, Water Intakes, Etc.


07 JUN 85

16 MAR 27

Maintenance Dredging in Oil and/or Gas Well Canals and Slips, Well Structures in Open Waters or Man-made Canals and Waterway Closures and Fixed Weirs Outside the Louisiana Coastal Zone

GP-31 01 JAN 21 01 JAN 26 Minor construction activities for residential purposes and the associated discharge of fill material into Waters of the United States.
GP-33 01 APR 23 31 MAR 28 Minor construction activities for commercial, industrial, and institutional purposes and the associated discharge of fill material into Waters of the United States.


31 MAR 93

31 DEC 25

Small Wharves, Boat Sheds, Bulkheads, and Fill Associated Dredging


31 MAR 96

31 JUL 27

Maintenance Dredging for Drainage Purposes