The Louisiana Black Bear is a protected species. They are not common on the project, but it is possible to encounter one. Please do not feed or disturb them. Bears will usually notice humans and move out of our path long before they are seen. Persons afield should use caution, not fear, when dealing with bears. Black bears seldom attack people unless provoked. Hogs and Bears can look alike. Know your target.

General Regulations

Hunting regulations are designed to protect visitors as well as ensure continued wildlife populations. The regulations below govern hunting on Old River project lands and water, under the authority vested by Code of Federal Regulations Title 36 part 327. Hunting will be in accordance with applicable State & Federal regulations subject to the following conditions.



A 2024-2025 Old River Hunting Permit is required for all persons regardless of age. Permits must be signed
prior to hunting any game and must be carried at all times while in the field. Your hunting permit acknowledges your understanding of these regulations. The cut-out on the cover of this brochure is your annual permit. All per-sons 16 years or older are required to have a photo identification while in the field.

Camping at Old River Lock

A primitive campground is provided for project visitors on the north side of the lock in a designated 15-acre area. No water or electricity is provided; vault restrooms and trash receptacles are provided. A permit is not required however, camping is limited to 14 days during any 30-consecutive-day period.

Posted Restrictions

All Corps property is managed in accordance with the rules, regulations and policies of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, under the authority vested by Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 327. Other applicable regulations include Title 50 Code of Federal Regulations.

ALL LOUISIANA STATE and FEDERAL HUNTING LAWS APPLY. In addition, the following posted restrictions will be enforced on Corps property:

  1. Deer season shall be restricted to Archery, Black powder firearms, and Shotgun hunting ONLY.
  2. All hunters must have in their possession a picture ID, a valid State Hunting License and a signed Corps of Engineers hunting permit.
  3. All deer hunting shall be STILL HUNTING ONLY. Moving deer or hogs on Corps property with organized drivers and standers or making use of noises or noise-making devices is prohibited. Hunters shall not hunt, take or pursue birds or animals from moving vehicles or boats.
  4. Use of DOGS is RESTRICTED during the deer season, except for duck hunting. Raccoon, rabbit and squirrel hunting with dogs are permitted after deer season, unless otherwise specified.
  5. Baiting or hunting over bait for any species is prohibited.
  6. The use and/or possession of center-fire rifles and handguns larger than .22 caliber rimfire are prohibited.
  7. Firearms must be unloaded at all times while in the designated camping areas and while traveling within the area by motor vehicle, ATV, horse, bicycle, and while in a vessel under mechanical power. Firearms may not be carried in any area before or after permitted hours except in authorized camping areas.
  8. The possession of loaded weapons and the dis- charging of firearms are prohibited within 100 feet of designated roads, levees, and parking areas.
  9. Target shooting, skeet shooting, and other forms of practice shooting are prohibited.
  10. Construction of and/or hunting from permanent tree stands or permanent blinds are prohibited. A permanent blind is any blind using non- natural material or having a frame, which is not dismantled within two hours after the end of legal shooting time each day. Blinds with frames of wood, plastic, metal poles, wire, mesh, webbing, or other materials may be used but must be removed from Corps land within two hours after the end of legal shooting hours each day. Blinds made solely of natural vegetation and not held together by nails or other metallic fasteners may be left in place but cannot be used to reserve hunting locations. Any permanent stand or permanent blind located on Corps property will be removed and destroyed by Corps personnel.
  11. Stands or blinds attached to trees with screws, nails, spikes, etc. are prohibited.
  12. Tree climbing spurs, spikes or screw-in steps are prohibited.
  13. All decoys must be removed daily.
  14. Saving or reserving hunting locations on the property is prohibited.
  15. Hunting from utility poles, high tension wires, levees and public roads are prohibited.
  16. The use and/or possession of trail markers (paint, flagging, bright eyes, etc.) are prohibited.
  17. The use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages are prohibited while in possession of a firearm.
  18. Disorderly conduct or hunting under the influence of alcoholic beverages, chemicals, and other similar substances is prohibited.
  19. During open gun season for deer and while hunting rabbits with dogs, all persons in possession of firearms (including archers and small game hunters) must display a total of 400 square inches of “hunters orange” and wear a “hunters orange” cap.
  20. Taking of outlaw quadrupeds and birds (coyotes, feral hogs, armadillos, crows, blackbirds, starlings and beavers) is allowed incidental to any hunt with gear legal for that hunt.
  21. During the Black Powder season, you may only use black powder weapons or archery equipment. Black powder weapons must use black powder or approved substitute only. All must be loaded from the muzzle.
  22. The hunting of waterfowl after 2 pm is prohibited.

Hiking Kellers Lake Trails

Old River project lands offer a great opportunity to view scenic areas of hardwood forests, cypress swamps and bayous. The area’s forested wetlands and shallow lakes provide excellent feeding and resting areas for wading birds like herons, egrets, and waterfowl, such as mallards and wood ducks. Numerous species of reptiles and amphibians can also be found in abundance.
To ensure your enjoyment and safety, please observe posted rules and regulations when using our trails. Visitors should take safety precautions, stay alert to other activities in the area, and keep an eye out for natural hazards along the trails, such as wildlife, logs, stumps, and rocks. There is no drinking water along the trails, so bring water with you. Always make sure that someone knows where you are in case you need any assistance. Please remember that Kellers Lake is a popular hunting
area. For your safety take a moment to familiarize yourself with our hunting season dates. Hikers are encouraged to wear hunter’s safety orange during all hunting seasons.