Contractor's Documentation Checklist


• Submittal package must include a Right-of-Entry form signed by the landowner(s). Please call  (504) 862-2430 or  (504) 862-1007 for a current Right-of-Entry form.

• If the proposed clay source Point-of-Contact (POC) is not the landowner, then the contractor furnished package should include a document signed by the landowner(s) stating that the POC is acting as an agent of the landowner(s) and has the right to represent the landowner(s) in all Contractor Furnished efforts. In the event the POC is unable to obtain the signature of each landowner, then the POC must submit a letter stating the name, address, and phone number of each landowner and that the POC has the authority of the landowner(s) to represent the landowner(s) in all Contractor Furnished efforts.


• Site map should show boundary of property and must include latitudes and longitudes.


• Vicinity map should use USGS 1:24,000 quad maps as a background and zoomed out enough to show nearest city or town.


• Package must include Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination (JD) letter and map.

• If wetlands are to be impacted, a Section 10/404 permit will be required.

NOTE: A Section 10/404 Permit does NOT constitute full environmental compliance for potential use as an HSDRRS borrow area. The landowner must still submit all other required environmental documentation, as detailed in the Contractor's Documentation Checklist, to be considered for approval for any HSDRRS borrow related activities including, but not limited to, excavation, transportation, staging, stockpiling and processing.


• Package must include a Letter of No Objection or Coastal Use Permit (CUP) from the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources for pits in Louisiana , or respective state agency for other states.


• Package must include the consultant’s report and a concurrence letter from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

• The consultant’s report must include a map of the studied area with the study area boundary defined by latitudes and longitudes.


• Package must include seven (7) bound copies of a Phase I cultural resource investigation report prepared by a professional cultural resource management (CRM) company.

• The report must include a map of the studied area with the study area boundary defined by latitudes and longitudes.


• Package must include an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) that shows a low risk of encountering recognized environmental conditions (REC).

• The ESA must conform to ASTM 1527-05 standards.

• The ESA must include a map of the studied area with the study area boundary defined by latitudes and longitudes.


• A Geotechnical Report stamped and signed by a licensed civil engineer with a specialization in geotechnical engineering certifying that the proposed source contains suitable material meeting the specifications outlined in our Soil Boring Factsheet.

• If a borrow site is within 1,500 feet of the Mississippi River Levee (MRL) or within 300 feet of a Hurricane Protection Levee (HPL), a permit from the local sponsor MUST be included. For additional information regarding this permit, please call (504) 862-2241 OR  (504) 862-2313.


• The package must include the results of salinity content testing. The landowner or its agent for the Contractor-furnished borrow area material shall test for levels of salinity as salinity can impede the satisfactory establishment of grass. For each soil boring drilled for geotechnical analysis, a representative soil sample, taken at each two and one half (2.5) feet of depth of the boring or change in strata shall be tested for salinity content. Two standardized tests shall be performed by a soil testing lab including a pH test and a Storm (or Flood) Test which includes, at a minimum: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Sulfur, Chlorides, Conductivity, Total Soluble Salts, and Sodium Absorption Ratio.


• Borrow area management plan must include map that clearly shows access roads and stockpiling & staging areas.


Package must include a written plan and map that describes and shows any areas subject to laws or regulations (Clean Water Act Section 404, Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10, National Historical Preservation Act, HTRW, etc) that hold jurisdiction within the proposed borrow area. Borrow area is defined as to include access routes, loading and unloading facilities, staging areas, etc. Plan and maps must clearly show areas/resources being avoided, areas where any impacts were minimized, and areas where it has been determined that impacts are unavoidable. Resources include, but are not limited to areas of cultural interest, upland forested areas, Wetlands subject Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, any Threatened and Endangered species including any habitat deemed critical by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, areas found to be hazardous, toxic, or to contain radioactive waste. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New Orleans District (CEMVN) Environmental Team Coordinator will determine the consequences of a proposed action on any resources identified on the property in question.

Plan and maps will be reviewed by CEMVN staff and based upon the judgment of the Environmental Team Coordinator will be accepted or sent back to the party submitting the packet for modification. Once packet is accepted as part of the submittal, it is the responsibility of the person submitting the package to provide written proof that any mitigation deemed necessary by the CEMVN to be a part of the proposed pre-Approved Contractor Furnished borrow site has been accomplished. Proof of mitigation will be supplied prior to final approval of a site being added to pre-Approved Contractor Furnished list that is being maintained by the CEMVN.

Please note that pre-approved pits may never be utilized. As such, an applicant may want to include appropriate provisions in any compensatory mitigation agreement so that the applicant could recover the investment if the pit is never used.