US Army Corps of Engineers
New Orleans District Website

West Bank and Vicinity Hurricane Protection Project Implementation of Previously Authorized Mitigation Plans

The purpose of the proposed action is to restore the exchange of water within the wetlands by constructing berm cuts and to plant approximately 74 acres of bottomland hardwood and swamp species to re-establish those species lost to mortality. These actions would satisfy the mitigation requirements related to the West Bank and Vicinity Project as authorized prior to Hurricane Katrina.

Mitigation requirements, plans, and designs were originally defined in the three Feasibility and Environmental Impact Statements for the West Bank and Vicinity, New Orleans, Louisiana Hurricane Protection Project and in Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) #498 (2012). Changes in the environment since the release of SEA #498 have necessitated a reassessment of the mitigation plan at the St. Charles site. This SEA #498A supplements SEA #498 (USACE 2012).

Public Information

UPDATE:  The public comment period for SEA #498A has been extended until July 23, 2020.
The public comment period for this document begins July 6, 2020 and ends July 21, 2020.  Written comments on this document can be submitted through the project website or by mail or email to the following address:
Eric Tomasovic
United States Army Corps of Engineers
New Orleans District
7400 Leake Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118