Mermentau Basin Salinity Monitoring

The New Orleans District Operations Division continually monitors salinity
and water levels at multiple control structures around the Mermentau Basin.

On the drop-downs below, you can view the last 30 days of water data or download a spreadsheet with the latest year-to-date readings.







30-Day Hydrologic Data

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For historic data, click here.

For historic data, click here.

For historic data, click here.

For historic data, click here.

For historic data, click here.

Expand List item 20110Collapse List item 20110  ACCESSIBILITY

         The New Orleans District is committed to making its websites accessible to all users in accordance with provisions of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended in 1998).  If you cannot fully access the information on a particular hydrologic data table, please email our office using the District P.O.C. below.  We will do everything possible to provide you the information. Please note that this may involve providing content in an alternate format.

District P.O.C.:
Jeff Olivero