Geospatial Engineering


Geotech Programs

Disclaimer The United States Government (the Government) furnishes these computer programs (along with any associated documentation) and the recipient accepts and uses them with the express understanding that the Government makes no warranties, expressed, or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, usability, or suitability for any particular purpose of the information and programs furnished. The United States shall be under no liability whatsoever to any person or organization by reason of any use made thereof. These programs belong to the Government. Therefore, the recipient further agrees not to represent these programs to anyone as other than Government programs. The recipient may not transfer these programs to others without also transferring this disclaimer.


Boring Log Check Program

BoringLogCheck is a program for checking the format of a single Boring Log TXTfile (.txt) or a folder of Boring Log TXTfiles. The program can be run in two modes:
(1) interactive mode launches a dialog-driven interface that presents the user with standard windows directory/file navigator capabilities, including integrated display and printing of the warning messages from the logfile, or
(2) command-line mode allows the program to be run as a command-line executable, receiving a single argument for either a directory name or a file name.

BoringLogCheck will parse Boring LogTXT (.txt) files and generate a logfile listing all errors and warnings with the format of the file. The program will also output a message at the end, listing the number of files with valid format, the number of files with format errors, and the number of files with format warnings.

Download Current Version
• Version 2.5.4 Package (*.zip 8.69 MB) release date 02/24/2011
BoringLogCheck 2_5_4 changes the validation rules between D10_SIZE, Atterberg results, and UCT results.  Previously, an Error was reported if a sample had a D10_SIZE and also had Atterberg or UCT results.  New validation allows ML and SC samples to have D10_SIZE, Atterberg, and UCT test results.  Program generates a Caution if any other CLASS_1 value has D10_SIZE, Atterberg, and UCT test results.  Rules for CLASS_1 and CONSISTENCY cross-validation were also modified.  An Error is now reported if SC classified samples have a CONSISTENCY value.  Only CL, CH, OH, and PT classified samples can have a CONSISTENCY description.

Download Previous Versions
• Version 2.5.3 Package (*.zip 8.53 MB) release date 09/13/2010
• Version 2.4.2 Package (*.zip 8.46 MB) release date 06/15/2010
• Version 2.1 Package (*.zip 6.10 MB) release date 02/04/2009
• Version 2.0 Package (*.zip 6.09 MB) release date 08/20/2008
• Version 1.0.2 (*.zip 4,782 KB) release date 08/10/2007


Boring Log gINT Utilities

The Boring Log gINT Utilities have been moved here.


Soil Stability with Uplift

 Soil Stability with Uplift program using the Method of Planes, ID FS004.

Download Current Version
• Soil Stability with Uplift by Method of Planes (5,086 KB) release date 10/23/2017

Download Previous Version
• Soil Stability with Uplift by Method of Planes (*.zip 964 KB) release date 10/03/2006

Stability with Uplift Plotting Program

 Creates a Bentley MicroStaion drawing of the stabilty program results. For use with the previous version of the Stability with Uplift program. (This capability is included in the current version of Stability with Uplift). ID FS005.

Download Previous Version
• Stability with Uplift Plot Program (*.zip 913.5 KB) release date 12/2012


Undisturbed Boring Log Plot

Undisturbed Boring Log Plot program, ID FS008.

Download Current Version
• Version 2012-Sept-21 (*.zip 0.50 MB) release date 9/21/2012
This package contains the MSI installer file.


Geospatial Engineering
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