Geospatial Engineering


Historic Atchafalaya Hydrographic Survey Books

Scanned Atchafalaya River Hydrographic Survey Books are available for 1967 through 1989 series. These volumes are valuable for engineering, hydrographic, and archeological studies.

Please excerise care when making comparisons between book series data. Carefully review the provided background information about these surveys. Vertical & horizontal datums, sounding & contour datums, river mileages, and other key references have changed during this period.

Some of the scanned map plates are presented in a compressed format called Mr.Sid. A special plug-in may be required for your computer. View information on MrSids and download the online MrSid viewer.

1998 Atchafalaya River System Hydrographic Survey

1989 Atchafalaya River System Hydrographic Survey

1977 Atchafalaya River System Hydrographic Survey

1967 Atchafalaya River System Hydrographic Survey