NEW ORLEANS - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, and its contractors will temporarily close parts of Claiborne Avenue and Carrolton Avenue for work related to the Southeast Louisiana Drainage Project (SELA).
Beginning Thursday, April 24, 2014, the left eastbound lane of South Claiborne Avenue, between Dante Street and Carrollton Avenue, will be closed for lane widening for future box culvert construction.
Also, the left southbound lane of Carrollton Avenue, between Nelson Street and South Claiborne Avenue, will be closed to remove the abandoned Regional Transit Authority’s (RTA) underground facilities at the Carrollton Avenue and South Claiborne Avenue intersection.
These lane restrictions will be in effect from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. each day. Work is expected to be complete in approximately seven days.
Coordination has been made with the City of New Orleans Department of Public Works, RTA, New Orleans Police Department and the New Orleans Fire Department. No business or residential access will be impacted by these lane restrictions. SELA work in Orleans parish is scheduled to be complete in 2018.

Release no. 14-024