Corps of Engineers to close Inner Harbor Navigation Canal-Lake Borgne Surge Barrier barge gate for the first time for storm event
What: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will close Inner Harbor Navigation Canal-Lake Borgne Surge Barrier (IHNC) barge gate for the first time during a storm event due to the possibility of Tropical Storm Isaac making landfall in southeast Louisiana. This will be the third and final gate to close. Once the gate is closed, navigation on the GIWW will be unable to pass from one side of the Surge Barrier to the other.
The IHNC Surge Barrier is a major feature of the Hurricane & Storm Damage Risk Reduction System that will reduce the risk associated with a storm surge that has a one percent chance of occurring in any given year, or a 100-year storm surge, for some of the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina, including New Orleans East, metro New Orleans, Gentilly, the Ninth Ward and St. Bernard Parish. The total construction value for the IHNC-Lake Borgne Surge Barrier is an estimated $1.1 billion. The 1.8-milelong Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (IHNC)-Lake Borgne Surge Barrier, works in tandem with the Seabrook Floodgate Complex.
When: 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 28, 2012.
Who: Media are invited to attend. Representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be on hand to answer questions and participate in interviews.
Where: IHNC- Surge Barrier.
- From Chef Hwy
- Take a right on Intracoastal Blvd
- Take a right at first fork
- Follow road, pass up Vulcan Site
- Take right at fork - and park (don't enter the gate)
- Access gate is about 100 yards from the fork
- Personnel will be on site to meet you.
For additional questions contact Rachel Rodi at (504) 862-2587.
Release no. 12-044