Inner Harbor Navigation Canal Lock Replacement

We want to hear from you!


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District released draft mitigation plans and design updates related to the ongoing Inner Harbor Navigation Canal Lock replacement general reevaluation report.

The draft documents released address: the Community Impact Mitigation Plan (Community Opportunities Plan of Action), Transportation Mitigation Plan, and Design Updates. The USACE sought public participation in the development of the draft mitigation plans, so, the general public, interested parties, and stakeholders are invited to view these documents and provide feedback.

Inclusion of mitigation plans for community and traffic impacts are unique to the authorization for the IHNC Lock replacement as each are mandated by congress for inclusion in the final report.  As such, these documents are being released ahead of the full draft report and supplemental environmental impact statement to allow a complete review before being incorporated into the draft report. While not an official comment period, feedback from the public and stakeholders is encouraged. This will help ensure the USACE is able to include the most up-to-date versions of these documents as part of the draft report.

Provide your feedback

By mail

Feedback may also be sent by mail to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District
c/o Public Affairs Office
7400 Leake Ave
New Orleans, LA 70118

Phone Numbers

Draft Community Impact Mitigation Plan

Cover of the CIMP reportThe 1995 Draft Community Impact Mitigation Plan, which serves as the authorizing document for the CIMP, also known as the Community Opportunities Plan of Action, addresses impact to the four neighborhoods adjacent to the existing IHNC Lock: Bywater, Holy Cross, Lower Ninth Ward, and St. Claude. This updated draft CIMP allows USACE to identify a robust suite of improvements to address impacts to these neighborhoods, which have a direct border with the IHNC Lock and will see impacts in their community due to construction.

The draft Community Impact Mitigation Plan is available here.

Contractor-provided Community Opportunities Plan of Action Report used to inform the Draft Community Impact Mitigation Plan is available here.

Draft Transportation Mitigation Program

Cover of traffic reportIn 2007, in recognition of the potential impacts the construction of the new lock north of Claiborne Avenue would have on traffic, Congress authorized the development and maintenance of a Transportation Mitigation Program (TMP). This TMP identifies appropriate measures to reduce the burden felt by Orleans and St. Bernard Parish residents both during the construction of a new lock as well as once the lock is in place. This authority came after an earlier Congressional authorization (1996), which directed the Secretary (of the Army) implement a comprehensive community impact mitigation plan, as described in the evaluation report of the New Orleans District Engineer dated August 1995, to the maximum extent practicable, provides mitigation or compensation, or both, for the direct and indirect social and cultural impacts to the neighborhoods adjacent to the project area.  

The draft Transportation Mitigation Program is available here.

Contractor-provided Transportation Modeling Report used to inform the Draft Transportation Mitigation Program is available here.

Design Updates

Cover of Design UpdateThis Design Update contains details of preliminary engineering investigations completed to provide input in support of the economic analysis completed for the lock replacement General Re-evaluation Report (GRR). The draft GRR looked at several alternatives, selected the tentatively selected plan (TSP), in the 2017 draft GRR. Following the period of public review and comment, the TSP became the Plan 3 -Preferred Plan (RP) and underwent further analysis for this final integrated GRR and SEIS. That analysis resulted in some revisions from the TSP, (mainly by removing the temporary St. Claude Avenue Bridge). A change from the draft 2017 report TSP is construction of a permanent low-level double bascule bridge north of the existing St. Claude Avenue Bridge, with demolition of the existing bridge when construction of the new bridge and its approaches are complete. The revised plan for the replacement of the St. Claude Bridge will require acquisition of a small number of residential properties. This plan for replacement of the St. Claude Bridge eliminates the need for a temporary by-pass bridge.

The Design Update is available here.

Community Opportunities Plan of Action video (December 2023)