NAME OF APPLICANT: Jefferson Island Storage and Hub, c/o: Geosyntec Consultants, 2600 CitiPlace Court, Suite 500, Baton Rouge, LA 70808.
LOCATION OF WORK: In Sections 61 & 63, Township 12 South, Range 5 East, within Lake Peigneur, in Erath, Louisiana, in Iberia and Vermillion Parishes, centered at lat. 29.98259, long. -91.9820583), as shown within the enclosed drawings. (Hydrologic Unit Code 08090302, West – Central Louisiana Coastal Watershed).
CHARACTER OF WORK: On October 26, 2006, Jefferson Island Storage and Hub (JISH) was issued a DA permit, number MVN-2005-04280-WEE, to dredge access channels in Lake Peigneur and install infrastructure to prepare a salt dome cavern to expand underground storage capacity for natural gas. The work was never completed; however, the timeframe to complete the work under this DA permit expired on August 31, 2011. The originally permitted work included, dredging access channels for two new cavern locations in Lake Peigneur, establishing well work pads, and constructing a new loading dock along the right descending bank of the Delcambre Canal. Construction of the dock would require the dredging of 1,744 cubic yards of water bottom. The proposal requests that the permittee be allowed to dredge 87,273 cubic yards from 10.31 acres of water bottom. The dredged material would be suction dredged and then re-deposited into a deeper portion of Lake Peigneur as indicated in the attached plans. The total deposition area would be 28.5 acres of lake water bottom to be filled with dredged material. This proposal also includes 11,986 cubic yards of temporarily excavated and placed fill from trenching for the installation of a pipeline from the HDD exit point to the wellhead platforms. No work was initiated or completed during the originally permitted timeframe.