NAME OF APPLICANT: Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, Attn: Chris Gilmore, 1350 Port of New Orleans Place, New Orleans, LA 70130
LOCATION OF WORK: At approximately Latitude: 29.886994, Longitude: -89.896294, on the Mississippi River, 83 miles above Head of Passes, on East St. Bernard Highway (Louisiana Highway 46) and East Judge Perez Drive (Louisiana Highway 39), in Violet, Louisiana, in St. Bernard Parish, as shown on the enclosed drawings. (Hydrologic Unit Code: 08090203, Lower Mississippi- Eastern Louisiana Coastal).
CHARACTER OF WORK: The applicant has requested a Department of Army permit to conduct clearing, dredging, excavating, fill deposition, and grading activities to construct a new commercial shipping container terminal (terminal). The terminal would include an approximately 3,600 linear-foot wharf on the Mississippi River to moor Ultra Large Container Vessels and offload shipping containers by cranes into storage areas. The shipping containers would be stacked in storage areas and available to be transported via existing road and rail infrastructure. Construction would also include realignment of East St. Bernard Highway and the Norfolk-Southern railroad track segment, a rail spur, access roads, a retention pond, pump station, Entergy substation, administrative buildings, and other appurtenant structures within the project area. Terminal construction would require excavation of approximately 3,345,612 cubic yards of native material and placement approximately 59,774 cubic yards of asphalt; 578,496 cubic yards of concrete; 119,986 cubic yards of gravel; and 5,472,399 cubic yards of sand dredged from the Mississippi River. As proposed, the project would permanently impact 428 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and temporarily impact up to 388 acres of non-vegetated water bottoms in the Mississippi River.