Public Notices Overview

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How to send comments. Comments can be mailed to the address appearing in the Public Notice or emailed to the Project Manager identified on the Public Notice. Comments made in reference to a Public Notice should include your name, address, and phone number as well as the permit application number identified on the Public Notice. 

Individuals or parties may request an extension of time in which to comment on the proposed work by writing to the project manager or clicking on the project manager’s name on the public notice grid on the web page.  Any request must be specific and substantively supportive of the requested extension, and received by this office prior to the end of the initial comment period.  The Branch Chief will review the request and the requestor will be promptly notified of the decision to grant or deny the request.  If granted, the time extension will be continuous to the initial comment period and, inclusive of the initial comment period, will not exceed a total of 30 calendar days.

To view issued or pending individual permits, click here.

Appeals of Jurisdictional Determinations and Proffered or Denied Permits. To view a table of administrative appeals within the Mississippi Valley Division, click here.


Published June 24, 2024
Expiration date: 7/24/2024
NAME OF APPLICANT: RES Calcasieu, LLC, attn: Mr. Dustin Romero, 2341 S. Acadian Thruway, Suite 285, Baton Rouge, LA 70808.

LOCATION OF WORK: Located in Vernon and Rapides Parishes, Section 31, Township 1 South, Range 4 West, Section 6, Township 2 South, Range 4 West, and Sections 1 and 12, Township 2 South and Range 5 West, approximately 7 miles southeast of the community of Pitkin, Louisiana, as shown within the enclosed drawings. (Hydrologic Unit Code 08080204, Whisky Chitto watershed) (lat. 30.936523, long. -92.936171).

CHARACTER OF WORK: The purpose of the proposed project is intended to provide compensatory mitigation requirements for BLH and cypress/tupelo swamp impacts in the Louisiana Wetland Rapid Assessment Method (LRAM). The Sponsor plans to rehabilitate 509.5 acres of bottomland hardwood (BLH) wetlands, rehabilitate 14.0 acres of cypress/tupelo swamp, enhance 318.1 acres of BLH wetlands, and preserve 34.8 acres of cypress/tupelo swamp. The project as proposed would include the degradation of an existing dummy line railbed to further restore the surface hydrology to the natural conditions. Prior to tree planting, pine plantation vegetation is proposed to be harvested and removed from the site, utilizing standard silvicultural practices and appropriate forest management strategies. Management of the bank would also include the reforestation of native vegetation and the control of nuisance, invasive, and/or noxious species within areas of the bank using appropriate mechanical and/or chemical control methods. Hand planting of appropriate vegetative species for the two targeted wetland types will be conducted during the non-growing season (December 15-March 15). Disking and/or herbicide application may be used during the first three years of growth to reduce competition for seedlings.