NAME OF APPLICANT: Clean Hydrogen Works, c/o CK Associates, Attn: Ms. Olivia Barry, 8591 United Plaza Blvd., Suite 300, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809.
LOCATION OF WORK: On an approximate 1,738-acre site, located within and along the right descending bank of the Mississippi River, near river mile 180, located at 5323 LA Highway 405, near Donaldsonville, in Ascension Parish, Louisiana, (lat. 30.143889, long. -91.038056), as shown within the attached drawings. (Hydrologic Unit Code 08090302, Lower Mississippi River Basin, West Central Coastal Louisiana Watershed).
CHARACTER OF WORK: The proposed project is being readvertised due to additional jurisdictional wetland impacts as a result of the applicant submitting a revised project footprint. The revised project footprint proposes a reduction from two proposed docks to one dock, a reduction in dredge volume from 2.76 million cubic yards to 1.6 million cubic yards, and an increase in jurisdictional forested battue wetland habitat impact from 15.61 acres to 19.03 acres. Proposed changes in project footprint impacts are described below in this section. The applicant is proposing to clear, grade, place and maintain fill material for the construction of an industrial hydrogen/ammonia facility which includes a heavy haul road, marine terminal, and associated infrastructure. The project will utilize a natural gas pipeline to feed up to six ammonia trains each with a 3,600 metric tons per day capacity. The proposed project targets to capture approximately 98% of the generated carbon dioxide exporting it via pipeline and storing it in subterranean formations. The generated ammonia is being proposed to be exported via a new marine terminal to provide end market applications of marine fuel, power, fertilizer, and hydrogen generation. The proposed project is designed to generate 21,600 metric tons per day of liquid ammonia. The product ammonia is proposed to be stored onsite tankage for ship export and the carbon dioxide produced with be compressed and fed into the nearby Denbury pipeline. The project proposes to impact approximately 40.48 acres of Mississippi River waterbottoms via dredging for marine terminal construction. The dredged waterbottoms would be disposed via temporary dredge pipeline to an upland protected side area located beyond the 1,500-foot buffer from the toe of the Mississippi River levee. The project proposes to directly approximately 19.03 acres of Mississippi River batture forested jurisdictional wetlands, and 22.14 acres of jurisdictional Other Waters of the US (Mississippi River and protected side waters). Approximately 83,000 cubic yards of hauled in material would be placed as fill in jurisdictional areas for the heavy haul and pipe rack installation, 31,000 cubic yards of steel piles placed in jurisdictional areas for the proposed marine terminal installation, and 36,500 cubic yards of fill material for the proposed facility. Approximately 1,600,000 of native material in the Mississippi River and 125,000 cubic yards of native material from the batture area would be excavated for the proposed marine terminal construction.