NAME OF APPLICANT: Eagle Drydock and Marine Services, c/o: Duplantis Design Group, PC, 314 East Bayou Road, Thibodaux, Louisiana 70301.
LOCATION OF WORK: Located in Terrebonne Parish, located along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, off East Park Avenue, in the community of Houma, Louisiana, (Latitude North: 29.588250°N, Longitude West: -90.641317°W), as shown within the enclosed drawings. (Hydrologic Unit Code 08090302, Terrebonne Basin).
CHARACTER OF WORK: Conduct excavation operations within a 150-foot wide by 580-foot long area for a boat slip, install a 1-foot wide by 2,219-foot long bulkhead with additional 12-foot wide area behind bulkhead for placement of approximately 16,111 cubic yards of excavated earthen fill material, place approximately 11,728 cubic yards of limestone within a 640-foot wide by 989-foot long area for a facility pad, and place
approximately 373 cubic yards of rip within a 10-foot wide by 1,007-foot long area in front of the bulkhead along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Approximately 0.27 of an acre of Section 10 waters would be temporarily impacted via excavation operations for the boat slip, approximately 1.72 acres of non-wetland would be permanently impacted via excavation operations for the boat slip,14.54 acres of non-wetland would be permanently impacted via filling operations for facility pad construction, approximately 0.66 of an acre of Section 10 waters would be permanently impacted via bulkhead and backfill, and approximately 0.23 of an acre of Section 10 waters would be permanently
impacted via rip rap placement. No wetlands would be impacted during project implementation, and therefore, no compensatory mitigation would be required. The purpose of the project is to facilitate construction for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District “Red River Basin, Catahoula Parish, Louisiana Lock and Dam No. 1 (BOGGS) Tainter Gate Replacement” Project.