NAME OF APPLICANT: Jefferson Davis Electric Cooperative, c/o: Royal Engineers and Consultants, L.L.C., 14635 S. Harrell’s Ferry Road, Suite 4B, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816.
LOCATION OF WORK: Located in Cameron and Calcasieu Parishes, located off LA Highway 27 and LA Highway 82, located in and near the communities of Cameron, Creole, Grand Chenier, Hackberry, Lake Charles, Louisiana, (POB: Latitude North: 30.045380°N , Longitude West: -93.342016°W and Latitude North: 29.761403°N, Longitude West: -93.628150°W, POE: Latitude North: 29.764487°N, Longitude West: - 92.951215°W and Latitude North: 30.172080°N, Longitude West: -93.112051°W), as shown within the enclosed drawings. (Hydrologic Unit Code 08080206, Calcasieu Basin, Hydrologic Unit Code 08080202, Mermentau Basin, and Hydrologic Unit Code
08080203, Calcasieu Basin)
CHARACTER OF WORK: Work consists removing, replacing, and upgrading approximately 105 miles of transmission lines, excavating approximately 162 cubic yards of earthen material to horizontally directional drill the 230kV transmission line under the Mermentau River, the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, and the Calcasieu Ship Channel, and placing approximately 134,000 cubic yards of limestone gravel for the installation of 1,349 utility poles ranging from 3-foot to 6-foot in diameter and 100 to 115 feet in height, conductors, conduit routing, towers, laydown and staging areas, and repairing and/or constructing ten substations. All transmission line work would be done within existing Right-of-Ways. The purpose of the project is due to the damage the electrical system encountered during Hurricane Laura. The electrical system would allow to withstand higher wind and storm surge, support more load, and increase power restoration.