NAME OF APPLICANT: Texas Eastern Transmission, LP, c/o Edge Engineering and Science, LLC, 16285 Park Ten Place, Suite 400, Houston, Texas 77084.
LOCATION OF WORK: The project is to take place at seven different locations: the line 40 Pipeline Replacement and Existing Segment located in Waterloo, Louisiana, on either side of Louisiana State Highway 415 and extending north toward the proposed New Roads Compressor Station in Pointe Coupee Parish, 30.691661, -91.134919; the New Roads Compressor Station located approximately 0.8 mile north of Waterloo, Louisiana, in Pointe Coupee Parish, 30.691661, -91.365258; the White Castle Compressor Station located approximately 4.2 miles south of White Castle, Louisiana in Iberville Parish, 30.691661, -91.365258; the Larose Compressor Station located approximately 1.4 miles northeast of Larose, Louisiana in Lafourche Parish, 29.587994, -90.367378; the M&R equipment upgrades to the existing Gator Express M&R facility located in Barataria Bay in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, 29.448272, -89.966086; Contractor yard 1 located approximately 0.7 mile north of Port Allen, Louisiana in West Baton Rouge Parish, 30.474081, -91.22705; and Contractor Yard 2located approximately 4.0 miles northwest of Port Allen, Louisiana in West Baton Rouge Parish, 30.491403, -91.281706, within the Amite River Basin in hydrologic unit (HUC 08070202), Lower Grand River Basin In hydrologic unit (HUC 08070300), and the East Central Louisiana Coastal Basin in hydrologic unit (HUC 08090301), as shown on the attached drawings.
CHARACTER OF WORK: The applicant has requested Department of the Army authorization to construct, install, maintain and operate new facilities and make modifications to existing facilities to reverse the flow on a portion of Texas Eastern’s Line 40 mainline for Texas Eastern to provide Venture Global with 1,260,000 dekatherms per day of firm natural gas transportation service from receipt points on Texas Eastern’s system in Zone ELA to an interconnection with a pipeline lateral to be constructed, owned and operated by Gator Express (the Gator Express Pipeline), with ultimate delivery to the Plaquemines LNG Terminal. The project is needed to provide the necessary natural gas pipeline infrastructure to ensure the firm transportation of natural gas to the Plaquemines LNG Terminal that Venture Global is seeking. Specifically, the applicant has requested authorization to clear, grade, excavate, and place fill to 1) abandon an existing 2.2mile pipeline in place and construct a 3.0 mile natural gas pipeline replacement in Pointe Coupee Parish, 2) construct a new compressor station in Pointe Coupee Parish, 3) abandon in place an existing gas turbine compressor unit and install another gas turbine compressor unit at the existing White Castle Compressor Station in Iberville Parish, 4) abandon in place an existing gas turbine compressor unit and install another gas turbine compressor unit at the existing Larose Compressor Station in Lafourche Parish, 5) complete M&R equipment upgrades to the Gator Express M&R facility to be constructed on a platform installed in Barataria Bay in Plaquemines Parish, and 6) construct two contractor yards in West Baton Rouge Parish. The proposed project will require approximately 4,491 cubic yards of fill material placed in wetlands. Activities will also require the excavation of approximately 821 cubic yards of material, in wetlands. Following construction, areas temporarily impacted by the project will be restored to pre-construction grade and allowed to revegetate. Project implementation would temporarily impact approximately 2.69 acres of PEM wetlands, 0.01 of an acre of PSS wetlands, and 0.16 of an acre of PFO wetlands. In addition, approximately 0.75 of an acre of PEM, 0.03 of an acre of PSS, and 0.55 of an acre of PFO wetlands will be permanently impacted.