Public Notices Overview

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How to send comments. Comments can be mailed to the address appearing in the Public Notice or emailed to the Project Manager identified on the Public Notice. Comments made in reference to a Public Notice should include your name, address, and phone number as well as the permit application number identified on the Public Notice. 

Individuals or parties may request an extension of time in which to comment on the proposed work by writing to the project manager or clicking on the project manager’s name on the public notice grid on the web page.  Any request must be specific and substantively supportive of the requested extension, and received by this office prior to the end of the initial comment period.  The Branch Chief will review the request and the requestor will be promptly notified of the decision to grant or deny the request.  If granted, the time extension will be continuous to the initial comment period and, inclusive of the initial comment period, will not exceed a total of 30 calendar days.

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Appeals of Jurisdictional Determinations and Proffered or Denied Permits. To view a table of administrative appeals within the Mississippi Valley Division, click here.


Published Jan. 17, 2023
Expiration date: 2/6/2023


NAME OF APPLICANT: University Lakes, LLC, c/o: CSRS, LLC., attn.: Ms. Kelly Faerber, 8555 United Plaza Blvd., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

LOCATION OF WORK: Located on an approximate 300-acre site, in a six-lake system (University Lakes), located along and northwest of Stanford Avenue, near Baton Rouge, in East Baton  Rouge Louisiana, (lat. 30.4206, long. -91.1678), as shown within the attached drawings. (Hydrologic Unit Code 080070202 Pontchartrain Basin).  

CHARACTER OFWORK: The applicant has requested Department of the Army authorization to dredge and place waterbottoms material as fill to implement the University Lakes Aquatic Restoration and Flood Risk Reduction Project. Dredged material is proposed to be utilized beneficially in the creation of shoreline fill, bird sanctuary, or to construct islands. The six-lake system is proposed to be dredged to help improve water quality due to existing sedimentation, algae blooms, and low dissolved oxygen levels. The project has been designed to detain a 100-year storm event to help provide stormwater retention improvements for the area. Approximately 1,045,500 cubic yards of dredged waterbottoms from hydraulically dredged from project activity and 26,852 cubic yards of clean hauled in fill material would be placed as fill material in jurisdictional areas. The project would fill approximately 63.93 acres of jurisdictional Other Waters of the US waterbottoms and create upland habitat located along the shorelines. The project also proposes to create approximately 32.42 acres of wetland habitat. The project  proposes to use approximately 14,453 linear feet of geotextile tube to contain approximately 38,319 cubic yards of the dredged material. Temporary bulkheads and laydown areas are also proposed during the construction stage of this proposed project and are indicated on the attached proposed project drawings. Remnant vegetative debris and cypress stumps are also  proposed to be removed as a result of project implementation. The proposed project currently has a jurisdictional wetland determination pending with our Jurisdiction and Enforcement  Branch.  An addendum Public Notice may be required if the jurisdictional determination determines that additional project related impacts to wetlands are present. The project proposes to  impact approximately 3.13 acres of potentially jurisdictional wetlands (black willow habitat and fringe herbaceous wetland habitat). Approximately 275 acres of jurisdictional Other Waters of the US would be directly impacted as a result of project implementation from hydraulic dredging of waterbottom material. The project proposes to utilize the dredged material beneficially through creation of wetland and upland habitat adjacent to and within the University Lakes system. The applicant proposes to utilize best management practices for erosion and siltation control during and after the construction phase of the project. Post dredging, the applicant proposes to install boardwalks, retaining walls, pedestrian walkways, and other appurtenances to improve the existing May Street with a proposed bridge to increase connectivity between City Park Lake and University Lake. If authorized, the project will receive approval from all  appropriate local drainage authorities. The project is proposed as a beneficial project and no compensatory mitigation has been proposed by the applicant due to the proposed benefits  associated with the project.