Public Notices Overview

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How to send comments. Comments can be mailed to the address appearing in the Public Notice or emailed to the Project Manager identified on the Public Notice. Comments made in reference to a Public Notice should include your name, address, and phone number as well as the permit application number identified on the Public Notice. 

Individuals or parties may request an extension of time in which to comment on the proposed work by writing to the project manager or clicking on the project manager’s name on the public notice grid on the web page.  Any request must be specific and substantively supportive of the requested extension, and received by this office prior to the end of the initial comment period.  The Branch Chief will review the request and the requestor will be promptly notified of the decision to grant or deny the request.  If granted, the time extension will be continuous to the initial comment period and, inclusive of the initial comment period, will not exceed a total of 30 calendar days.

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Appeals of Jurisdictional Determinations and Proffered or Denied Permits. To view a table of administrative appeals within the Mississippi Valley Division, click here.


Published Feb. 1, 2021
Expiration date: 3/1/2021

This Public Notice announces the proposed intent of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New Orleans District, to accept and expend funds for the purpose of providing expedited reviews of permit applications and program issues for Entergy Louisiana, L.L.C. within the boundaries of the USACE New Orleans District in the State of Louisiana.


Entergy Louisiana, L.L.C serves over 1 million customers in 59 parishes throughout Louisiana with 567 electrical substations and over 15,900 miles of transmission lines. Entergy Louisiana, L.L.C. typically submits multiple permit requests for work in waters of the United States, including jurisdictional wetlands, throughout their service area, which requires authorizations pursuant to Sections 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Due to the economic growth in the New Orleans District, Entergy Louisiana, L.L.C. has been tasked with constructing new infrastructure. Additionally, Entergy Louisiana, L.L.C. has seen increased demand for the maintenance, repairs, and upgrades necessitated by recent storm damage in south Louisiana. To support the expedited review of the increase in permit applications in the New Orleans District, Entergy Louisiana, L.L.C. wishes to enter into an agreement with the New Orleans District, to contribute funds for expediting the evaluation of permits pursuant to the guidelines promulgated under Section 214 of the Federal Water Resources Development Act of 2000 ("WRDA"). Entergy Louisiana, L.L.C. has active agreements under Section 214 of the Federal Water Resources Development Act of 2000 ("WRDA") with the Galveston and Vicksburg Districts of the USACE.


A Cooperative Agreement is being developed by the USACE New Orleans District and Entergy Louisiana, L.L.C. in anticipation of acceptance of such funds. The funds may be used by the Corps for salaries, associated benefits, actual burdened overhead rates, and reimbursable travel expenses, all for the purpose of expediting permit evaluation activities and programmatic issues.


For more details, see the attached special public notice.