Lane shift to occur on Louisiana Avenue for work related to SELA

Published Nov. 18, 2015

Lane shift to occur on Louisiana Avenue for work related to SELA

Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project

NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District will temporarily shift travel lanes on Louisiana Avenue at Magnolia Street for work related to the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA).


Weather permitting, beginning Monday, November 23, 2015, and lasting for approximately 9 days, travel lanes will be shifted on Louisiana Avenue at Magnolia Street to allow for installation of a new sewer main in the area. A phased traffic signal will be in place at this intersection allowing south bound (river bound) and north bound (lake bound) traffic to cross the intersection intermittently. During this time, east bound (downtown bound) traffic on Magnolia Street will not be able to access Louisiana Avenue.


Throughout construction, the Army Corps will continue to coordinate closures with its partners at the City of New Orleans and the Sewerage & Water Board.


For more information on the SELA project:

·        Construction Hotline: (877) 427-0345

·        Facebook: | Twitter:

·        Website:

Ricky Boyett

Release no. 15-057