Water line tie-in to occur on South Claiborne Avenue for work related to SELA

Published Nov. 6, 2015

Water line tie-in to occur on South Claiborne Avenue for work related to SELA

Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA)

NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District will be performing a water line tie-in on South Claiborne Avenue for work related to the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA).


The tie-in will occur on Monday, November 9, 2015 beginning at 6:00 am, and last until midnight on Wednesday, November 11, 2015. During the tie-in, some areas of New Orleans may experience low water pressure. Residents experiencing water service issues are encouraged to call 52WATER (504) 529-2837.


Areas that may be impacted include:

·        Carrollton

·        Uptown

·        Central Business District

·        Mid-City

·        Ninth Ward

·        New Orleans East


Throughout construction, the Army Corps will continue to coordinate closures with its partners at the City of New Orleans and the Sewerage & Water Board.


For more information on the SELA project:

·        Construction Hotline: (877) 427-0345

·        Facebook: www.facebook.com/SELAfloodprotection | Twitter: www.twitter.com/TeamNewOrleans

·        Website: www.mvn.usace.army.mil

Rene Poche

Release no. 15-055