Lane closure to occur on Prytania Street at Nashville Avenue for work related to SELA
Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA)
NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District will temporarily close Prytania Street on the west side of Nashville Avenue for work related to the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA). The closure will begin Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 7:00 am and last for approximately six months. Additionally, north and south bound traffic on Nashville Avenue will be shifted in two phases from Pitt to Perrier streets. This is so that water line work can be performed across Nashville Avenue on Prytania Street.
For phase 1, beginning Wednesday, Prytania Street will close on the west side of Nashville Avenue. Traffic traveling east bound (downtown bound) on Prytania Street will be diverted at State and Eleonore streets. Traffic traveling north and south on Nashville Avenue will be shifted into the existing north bound (lake bound) travel and parking lanes. This phase will take approximately nine weeks to complete.
For phase 2, beginning in approximately mid-January 2016, Prytania Street will remained closed on the west side of Nashville Avenue. Traffic traveling north and south on Nashville Avenue will be shifted to the existing south bound (river bound) parking and travel lanes so that work can be performed on the east side of Nashville Avenue. This phase will take approximately 12 weeks to complete.
Throughout construction, the Army Corps will continue to coordinate closures with its partners at the City of New Orleans and the Sewerage & Water Board.
For more information on the SELA project:
· Construction Hotline: (877) 427-0345
· Facebook: | Twitter:
· Website:
Release no. 15-054