Lane shift to occur on Magazine Street at Jefferson Avenue for work related to SELA
NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District will temporarily shift travel lanes on Magazine Street at Jefferson Avenue for work related to the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA).
Weather permitting; beginning Tuesday, October 13, 2015, and lasting for approximately 12 weeks, travel lanes will be shifted on Magazine Street at Jefferson Avenue to allow for the construction of an underground box culvert through the intersection. A phased traffic signal will be in place at this intersection allowing eastbound (downtown bound) and westbound (uptown bound) traffic to cross the intersection intermittently. Initially, traffic on Magazine Street will be shifted to the south side of the intersection while work is performed on the north side. Traffic will then be shifted to the north side of the intersection while work is performed on the south side. Portions of existing parking lanes on either side of Jefferson Avenue will be used for travel lanes during these shifts.
Throughout construction, the Army Corps will continue to coordinate closures with its partners at the City of New Orleans and the Sewerage & Water Board.
For more information on the SELA project:
· Construction Hotline: (877) 427-0345
· Facebook: | Twitter:
· Website:
Release no. 15-049