Pointe Coupee Parish timber sale
Corps accepting bids to clear land
NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, is accepting bids through the morning of Aug. 27 on a timber sale in north Pointe Coupee Parish along Louisiana Highway 15 by the Old River Lock.
The 155 acres of forest has approximately 162 thousand board-feet (MBF) of hardwood saw timber and 311 cords of hardwood pulpwood. A deposit of 20 percent is due upfront to those awarded the bid.
Timber harvest is authorized between May 1 and Nov. 30 of each year to avoid impacts to Louisiana Black Bear denning season. The contract period for this sale area will expire Nov. 30, 2016, but may be extended one year for 10 percent of the purchase price.
On-site visits and pre-entry meetings are available with Joe Harvey, project forester. Call (255) 492-2169 to schedule a meeting with Harvey.
Sealed bid packets shall be submitted in triplicate and mailed to the Corps of Engineers to be opened Aug. 27 at 10 a.m. To obtain a packet, or for more information, please contact Stephanie Robbins at stephanie.r.robbins@usace.army.mil.
Louisiana Best Management Practices must be followed at all times for logging operations.
Release no. 15-041