Armoring to begin on Lake Pontchartrain levees

Published May 26, 2015

 Armoring to begin on Lake Pontchartrain levees

Work will improve resiliency against storms that exceed design elevations          

NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites residents and businesses along Lake Pontchartrain to a public meeting to discuss an upcoming project that adds resiliency to the greater New Orleans Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System lakeside levees.

When: June 2, 2015

6 to 6:30 p.m.: Open House

6:30 p.m.:  Presentation and questions and answers

Where:  Lake Vista Community Center

6500 Spanish Fort Blvd.

New Orleans, LA 70124

The upcoming project consists of adding armoring to the levees. Armoring is the placement of material, natural or artificial, on earthen levees to reduce the risk of erosion as a result of overtopping that can occur with storms exceeding the 100-year design elevations. Armoring can include approaches such as grass, turf reinforced mattresses, articulated concrete blocks and concrete slope paving.

The upcoming work will on the Lake Pontchartrain levees will consist of installing a combination of High Performance Turf Reinforced Mattresses (HPTRM) and quality turf to significantly improve the resiliency of the levees during a large tropical weather event.

High Performance Turf Reinforced Mattresses are strong fiber mats placed on the top of an earthen levee.  Bermuda grass sod is then planted atop the mats. The roots of the sod will grow through holes in the mattresses, improving anchoring of the mat to the levee as well as reducing the risk of damage sustained to the matt during routine maintenance. The Corps, in partnership with Colorado State University, conducted extensive research of armoring options and evaluated results from a pilot project in St. Charles Parish to identify this approach to armoring the 100-year HSDRRS levees. During construction, the levees will continue to provide the 100-year level of storm surge risk reduction.

At the meeting, the Corps will discuss the construction process and schedule, anticipated impacts and locations for the upcoming work. Members of the Corps armoring team will be available to answer questions during the open house portion of the meeting as well as following a short presentation.


Release no. 15-030