NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, and its contractors will close a section of Florida Avenue for work related to the Southeast Louisiana Drainage Project (SELA).
Beginning Tuesday, January 27, 2015, Florida Avenue between Almonaster Avenue and Mazant Street will be closed for electrical feeder relocation, water line relocation, Florida Canal widening construction and Louisa Street box culvert construction. This work will be complete at the end of 2018.
During this time, Florida Avenue traffic will be diverted to Galvez Street. Louisa Street and Piety Street will remain open with alternating closures as construction progresses.
Throughout construction, The Corps will continue to work closely with its partners at the City of New Orleans. For questions or comments, please call the SELA Construction Hotline at 504-585-2450.
Release no. 15-005