Corps makes determination regarding permit application public hearing

Published Oct. 1, 2014

NEW ORLEANS – After evaluating all comments and requests, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District has determined that a public hearing is not required to inform the decision making process for the RAM Terminals, LLC. permit application.

“The purpose of a public hearing is to provide a venue for collecting new information that would improve the Corps’ ability to make a permit decision for a proposed project,” said Martin Mayer, Chief of the New Orleans District Regulatory Branch.  “Based on a thorough review of the numerous comments received, we do not believe that a public hearing for the proposed project would result in the collection of information related to our regulatory authority that is not already under consideration.”

A permit application was received from RAM Terminals, LLC in March 2012 and was released for public comment the following month.  Since that time, the Corps has received numerous comments and requests from concerned residents, local governments and community organizations regarding potential impacts from the RAM Terminals proposed project.  Each comment was evaluated to ensure that that the Corps is using the best information, science and engineering available to determine whether the proposed project’s benefits outweigh its detriments.  The Corps also evaluated these comments to determine whether a public hearing would result in new information pertinent to regulations within the Corps purview.

“Feedback from residents, state and federal resource agencies, community organizations and local governments is an important part of the regulatory process,” said Mayer.  “Every comment received is given full consideration and evaluation to ensure that the Corps is evaluating a proposed project’s permit application to the best extent possible.” 

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has regulatory authority under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act for projects that may impact navigable waters, as well as under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for projects that require placement of fill that impacts our Nation’s waters, including wetlands.

Ricky Boyett

Release no. 14-058