NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, recently awarded a contract for the widening of a section of Florida Avenue Canal. The project is a part of the Southeast Louisiana Drainage Project (SELA).
The $157,280,340 ($147,489,050 award with an option for an additional $9,791,290) contract, awarded to Renda/JBros Joint Venture, was awarded on September 23, 2014 and is expected to be completed in the fall of 2018.
The project, SELA 26, calls for the widening of Florida Avenue Canal from Ferdinand Street to Peoples Avenue and widening and realigning approximately 600 linear feet of Peoples Canal to drain into Florida Avenue Canal in Orleans Parish. The existing Florida Avenue Canal will be removed and replaced with either a flume or covered canal. Work also includes associated drainage work and utility relocations required for construction. In addition, drainage improvements will be extended to six lower lying side streets.
The Corps continues to work closely with its partners at the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, the Department of Public Works for the City of New Orleans, the New Orleans Police Department, and the New Orleans Fire Department. For questions or comments, please call the SELA Construction Hotline at 504-585-2450.
Release no. 14-055