NEW ORLEANS – On Tuesday, September 30, 2014, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, will host an open house for the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA) landscape implementation plan. The purpose of the open house is to share design concepts; gather public input; and move toward selection and refinement of preferred designs for each construction corridor.
Open house details are as follows:
When: Tuesday, September 30, 2014
5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Where: Salvation Army Public Meeting Room
4526 South Claiborne Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70125
The purpose of SELA Orleans is to provide rainfall drainage improvements that work with the city’s existing drainage system. Construction of these improvements requires the removal the neutral ground and existing landscapes along South Claiborne Avenue, Louisiana Avenue, Napoleon Avenue, and Jefferson Avenue.
Planning and design efforts for restoration of neutral ground areas are underway. Landscape planning incorporates sustainable design, historic preservation, and compliance with numerous city and state regulations. The Corps, along with city and state authorities, partnered with landscape designers, historians, arborists, engineers, and planners to develop draft-design concepts for the following corridors, which will be presented at the open house:
• Claiborne Avenue from Monticello Street to Pine Street
• Louisiana Avenue from Claiborne Avenue to Constance Street
• Napoleon Avenue form Claiborne Avenue to Laurel Street
• Jefferson Avenue from Claiborne Avenue to Magazine Street
Release no. 14-054