Harahan Pump to the River Intake Basin
NEW ORLEANS -The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded a $10.7 million contract on September 19, 2013 to Veterans Construction Group JV, LLC of Metairie, Louisiana to construct the intake basin structure for the Harahan Pump to River project on the east bank of Jefferson Parish. The project is part of the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Damage Risk Reduction Project (SELA). When complete, the project will reduce the risk of damages from a 10-year rainfall event, which is a storm that has a 10 percent chance of happening in a given year and equates to approximately 9 inches of rain over a 24-hour period for our area.
“This is the final of five contracts to be awarded to complete the Harahan Pump to the River project” said Captain Raines, Project Manager. “All construction on the Harahan Pump to the River project will be substantially complete by 2017.”
The approximately 24-month contract calls for constructing concrete box culverts to direct flow from where the Mazque Ditch, Harahan Ditch, and the Soniat Canal intersect to the new pump station. Relocations will be necessary at the Harahan playground in order to begin construction on the intake basin. A notice to proceed should be issued by September 30, 2013.
A large portion of the work to improve major drainage canals and pump stations is already complete on both the east and west banks of Jefferson Parish. A total of fifty four SELA contracts have been awarded to date, with work completed on forty five of those projects. All scheduled SELA work in Jefferson Parish should be substantially finished in late 2017 / early 2018.
Release no. 13-055