Corps to move forward on contract advertisements, commander approved more refined plans for St. Charles Parish project

Published July 9, 2009

NEW ORLEANS – The Corps has completed the environmental compliance necessary to improve the La Branche Wetlands Levee Project Area for the east bank of St. Charles Parish. New Orleans District Commander, Colonel Alvin Lee, has signed the environmental document refining the Corps’ plan to reduce risk from a storm surge that has a 1 percent chance of occurring in any given year.
“Now that we have environmental compliance, we’ll be sending out a solicitation to construct the Almedia and Walker Drainage Structures in St. Charles Parish,” said Carl Anderson, project manager.  “Several other risk reduction projects are expected to begin for the St. Charles Parish later this summer.”
Individual Environmental Report 1 Supplemental, “Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity, La Branche Wetlands Levee, St. Charles Parish, LA” described the impacts of and general design plans associated with refinements to the proposed action which included altered construction access routes, the shift of a levee alignment in order to avoid airport safety lighting and the adjustment of two water control structures.  Overall, the proposed changes, as outlined in the supplemental, will result in fewer impacts to the neighboring wetlands.  
Alternative arrangements allow the Corps to expedite the environmental process required for this federally funded project while fully complying with the intent of the National Environmental Policy Act.
The Corps mailed notices that IER 1 Supplemental was available to parties who previously indicated their interest in reviewing the document.  It can also be downloaded at
Questions or comments concerning Individual Environmental Reports or the Corps’ environmental process may be addressed to:
Gib Owen  PM-RS
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 60267
New Orleans, LA 70160-0267
Phone: 504-862-1337
Fax: 504-862-2088
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Release no. 09-081