Corps approves seven borrow sites for possible use in hurricane system

Published Feb. 18, 2010

NEW ORLEANS, LA - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District Commander has signed the Decision Record for an environmental document allowing seven Contractor-Furnished clay sites that contractors may opt to pursue for use in construction of the Greater New Orleans Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System. Earthen levees may only be constructed out of clay material, also known as borrow, that meets the Corps strict geotechnical standards.

The current estimated clay requirement to construct the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System is 80 million cubic yards. To date, the Corps has approved an estimated 170 million cubic yards of suitable material for the system usage.

“The success of this task is due to the efforts of our team members, cooperation of our sponsors and the participation of the citizens who have decided to support the recovery of our community," said Soheila Holley, senior project manager. “The team will continue to investigate clay sources in order to identify sites in a closer vicinity to our project alignments which will minimize traffic impacts and reduce construction costs.”

Individual Environmental Report 32 entitled, “Contractor-Furnished Borrow Material, Number 6,” was released for public review in November 2009. The environmental document discussed the human and environmental impacts that would be generated if the material from the seven Contractor-Furnished borrow sites were to be used for construction of the Greater New Orleans Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System.

The Decision Record and final copy of IER 32 is available at

Clay sites approved for possible use in IER 32 include:

• Bocage Plantation site located in Ascension Parish, LA

• Citrus Lands site located in Plaquemines Parish, LA

• ConocoPhillips site located in Plaquemines Parish, LA

• Idlewild Stage 1 site located in Plaquemines Parish, LA

• Nairn site located in Plaquemines Parish, LA

• Plaquemines Dirt & Clay site located in Plaquemines Parish, LA

• 3C Riverside Phase 3 site located in St. Charles Parish, LA

Information about proposed Contractor-Furnished borrow sites is provided to the Corps by individual landowners who are responsible for soil boring and testing, and acquiring state and Federal environmental clearances. After gathering the necessary data and obtaining the appropriate clearances, landowners submit a proposal to the New Orleans District. The New Orleans District analyzes the potential environmental impacts from the proposed borrow areas in IERs.

Once a site is approved by the New Orleans District Commander, the borrow site is placed on a list of potential Contractor-Furnished sources for borrow material that may be used to construct earthen levees in the hurricane system. Use of the clay requires an agreement between private entities, such as between a landowner and the construction contractor. At no point in time does the landowner have an agreement with the Corps. Additionally, there are no guarantees that a contractor will use a landowner’s proposed borrow site in conjunction with the construction of the hurricane system.

The IER process allows the Corps to expedite the environmental review required of all federally funded projects while fully complying with the intent of the National Environmental Policy Act. The Corps encourages the public to provide written comments on IERs by mail, e-mail or by visiting at any time throughout the comment period.

Questions or comments concerning proposed actions should be addressed to:

Patricia Leroux

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

P.O. Box 60267

New Orleans, LA 70160-0267

Phone: 504-862-1544

Fax: 504-862-2088


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Release no. 10-109