NEW ORLEANS, LA – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District is hosting a neighborhood focus meeting to discuss alternatives under consideration for the proposed Violet Freshwater Diversion in St. Bernard Parish. The diversion would move water from the Mississippi River into the Central Wetlands, Mississippi Sound, Lake Borgne, and the Biloxi Marsh. The Violet project is being considered as a feature of the larger Mississippi River Gulf Outlet Ecosystem Restoration plan.
“This meeting will provide a venue for community members to learn more about the proposed Violet Freshwater Diversion. Citizens will have a chance to learn about benefits and impacts anticipated by its construction and operation,” said Greg Miller, senior planner for the MRGO Ecosystem Restoration Study.
The meeting presentation will cover features of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet Ecosystem Restoration project, specifically the various alternatives under consideration including the proposed Violet Freshwater Diversion in St. Bernard Parish.
Meeting details are:
When: Monday, Feb. 22, 2010
Open house 6 to 6:30 p.m.
Presentation and discussion 6:30 p.m.
Where: W. Smith Elementary School
6701 E. St. Bernard Hwy
Violet, LA 70092
For more information on development of the MRGO Ecosystem Restoration project visit
Questions or comments concerning the MRGO Ecosystem Restoration project should be addressed to:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
c/o Public Affairs
PO Box 60267
New Orleans, LA 70160-0267
Phone: 504-862-2201
Fax: 504-862-1724
Release no. 10-108