Corps awards contract for Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps

Published Oct. 1, 2012

NEW ORLEANS – On September 28, 2012, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District awarded a $629,500,000 contract to the joint venture PCCP Constructors for the construction of the Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps at the London Ave., Orleans Ave. and 17th Street outfall canals.


The Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps will provide permanent and more sustainable measures for reducing the risk of a 100-year level storm surge entering the three outfall canals.  This risk reduction is currently being provided by interim closure structures.


The interim closure structures will continue to provide 100-year levels of storm surge risk reduction until the permanent pumps are constructed and operational.  Since their construction in 2 006, these temporary structures have performed as designed in four named tropical weather events, most recently during Hurricane Isaac.


The PCCP Constructors joint venture is comprised of Kiewit Louisiana Co., Traylor Bros. Inc., and the M.R. Pittman group, LLC.


For more information on the Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps or the existing interim closure structures, please contact Ricky Boyett at 504-862-1524, 504-616-7519 or

Ricky Boyett
After Hours:

Release no. 12-057