Corps opens London Avenue Outfall Canal gates as water levels subside

Published March 23, 2012

NEW ORLEANS – As a result of water levels subsiding in Lake Pontchartrain and the London Avenue Canal, New Orleans District Commander Col. Edward R. Fleming ordered the canal gates opened today at 1:30 p.m.


The gates at the London Avenue Outfall Canal Interim Closure Structure are opened when water levels in the canal subside below 2.5 feet and are predicted to remain below that level. The gates take about 50 minutes to open.


The gates at the London Avenue Canal were closed yesterday, March 21, at approximately 4:30 p.m. Pumping operations were coordinated with the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board throughout the event to safely evacuate rainfall while the gates were closed.


The Corps’ pumps at the London Avenue Canal have a maximum combined capacity of approximately 5,200 cubic feet per second.

Rachel Rodi
After Hours:

Release no. 12-014