Mississippi River Commission cancels the remainder of the 409th session of the low-water inspection trip

USACE New Orleans
Published Aug. 21, 2023

VICKSBURG, Miss. – Brig. Gen. Kimberly Peeples has canceled the remainder of the MRC’s low water inspection trip and public hearings, effective immediately. This decision is in the best public health interests of the crew and our partners.


Public testimony can still be received by the commission until Sept 1. Individual districts will solicit testimony to be filed for the record from stakeholders with an opening date for submission of Aug. 22, 2023, and closing on Sept. 1, 2023. Please email signed copies of your statement to cemvd-ex@usace.army.mil or mail printed signed copies to:

Mississippi River Commission
ATTN: Edie Whittington
P.O. Box 80
Vicksburg, MS 39181-0080


Established by Congress in 1879, the MRC is headquartered in Vicksburg. It provides water resources engineering direction and policy advice to the Administration, Congress, and the Army. In its current capacity, the MRC is charged with prosecuting the Mississippi River and Tributaries project that was authorized through the historic Flood Control Act of 1928.




Mississippi Valley Division Public Affairs

Release no. 23-024