NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, received an exemption for additional time and funding for the Amite River and Tributaries – Comprehensive Study East of the Mississippi River, Louisiana.
To ensure the Amite River and Tributaries’ Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP) was economically justified, technically feasible, and environmentally acceptable, the New Orleans District began seeking additional time and funding to provide a more in-depth analysis of dam safety and environmental justice impacts. The TSP released in November of 2019 proposed a dry dam alongside a nonstructural plan that included elevating homes and floodproofing businesses.
The exemption, approved in late 2022, provides $1.9 million and 20 months to complete the feasibility study. Through the exemption an updated draft report and TSP will be released with a public review period in the summer of 2023. The final findings of the study, completed through the exemption, will be submitted in a Chief’s Report in the summer of 2024.
The objectives of the study are to identify comprehensive solutions to reduce flood damages along the Amite River and tributary streams for residents, business, and infrastructure. The study was initiated in October 2018 and is 100 percent federally funded by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development as the local nonfederal sponsor.
For more information on the Amite River and Tributaries – Comprehensive Study East of the Mississippi River, Louisiana, visit:
Release no. 23-002