Virtual public meetings set for Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Draft Environmental Impact Statement

USACE New Orleans District
Published March 25, 2021

NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group (LA TIG) will jointly conduct three virtual public meetings to solicit comments on the Draft EIS and Draft Restoration Plan. Anyone interested in learning more about the proposed Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion or would like to provide comments on the Draft EIS and/or Draft Restoration Plan are encouraged to participate in one of the following:


Tuesday, April 6, 2021             Wednesday, April 7, 2021               Thursday, April 8, 2021

      9 a.m. CT                                             1 p.m. CT                                            6 p.m. CT

Each meeting is scheduled for three hours. Meetings will consist of a brief introduction, pre-recorded presentations by LA TIG, CPRA, and USACE, followed by a public oral comment period. Interpreters will be available for anyone wishing to make a comment in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Khmer (Cambodian). The meetings will be transcribed and included in the record.

To participate using a computer: Register for the public meeting at Once registered, you will be emailed a link to access the meeting. For additional materials, please visit the USACE Project website: Barataria-Sediment-Diversion-EIS/.

By phone: To listen in by phone, dial 415-655-0060 and enter the Access Code 281-590-132 when prompted.

During the virtual public meetings, presentations will be in English, but Vietnamese, Spanish, and Khmer (Cambodian) pre-recorded meeting presentations will be available on the USACE project webpage by March 30. To hear the pre-recorded presentation without a computer, call the following toll-free phone numbers:

  • Spanish: 855-786-7103
  • Vietnamese: 866-802-8705
  • Khmer: 866-802-7702


    The Draft EIS and supporting documents are available on the Project website at:, or upon request.


    The Draft Restoration Plan and supporting documents are available at:


The public review and comment period for the Draft EIS and Draft Restoration Plan has been extended until June 3, 2021. All comments submitted electronically or by mail via the U.S. Postal Service on or before May 4, 2021 will be considered.



Ricky Boyett

Release no. 21-007