New Orleans -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District disseminated its annual notice to residents within Mississippi River floodways. The notice serves as a reminder to those that live, operate and/or do business within these floodways that there is a risk that they may experience flooding if the floodways are activated.
This notice is sent to all landowners, residents and lessees in the Bayou Des Glaises Loop, Old River Control Structure project area, West Atchafalaya Floodway and the Atchafalaya Basin Floodway, as well as all landowners and trailer owners or lessee-operators in the Morganza Floodway. The annual notice reminds those with interests in these floodways that it is their responsibility to minimize environmental contamination and that all water and gas wells must be sealed and capped to prevent any contamination from floodwaters.
Public notice will be given through local officials and the news media in the event operation of any of these floodways is required. The pre-operation notice will be given in advance to allow sufficient time for evacuation of people and livestock and for removal of personal belongings.
Release no. 21-002