Temporary lane closure to occur on Louisa Street at Florida Avenue

Published Feb. 23, 2018

Temporary closure to occur on Louisa Street at Florida Avenue

Work related to the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA)

 NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, will temporarily close Louisa Street at Florida Avenue for work related to the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA).

Beginning tentatively on Tuesday, February 27, 2018, Louisa Street will be closed at Florida Avenue for box culvert construction. During the closure, two-way traffic will be allowed on Piety Street. Traffic traveling north on Louisa Street will be detoured at N. Dorgenois Street. Traffic traveling south on Louisa Street will be able to use Piety Street. Signs will be in place directing traffic. 

 Throughout construction, the Army Corps will continue to coordinate closures with its partners at the City of New Orleans and the Sewerage and Water Board.

For more information on the SELA project:

 Construction Hotline: (877)427-0345

  • Facebook: www.facebook.com/SELAfloodprotection | Twitter: www.twitter.com/TeamNewOrleans






  •  Website: www.mvn.usace.army.mil

    Release no. 18-005