Geospatial Engineering


2007 Mississippi River Flood Control and Navigation Map Book

2007 Mississippi River Flood Control and Navigation Map Book
High Water Inspection Edition with DOQQ imagery

The Mississippi River, at over 2,300 miles long, is the longest river in the United States (when combined with its tributary Missouri River). It drains most of the area between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is responsible for providing data pertaining to navigation on and along the river. As part of a comprehensive mapping project, USACE developed updated Flood Control and Navigation maps as well as Hydrographic Survey maps for the Mississippi River.

About this edition:

In order to create a more portable map book, this edition has been reduced from original 11 x 17 format to this 8 ½ x 11 format and items have been removed or modified. The following have been removed:

  • Memphis District - Map Nos. 1 to 34
  • Vicksburg District – Map Nos. 34 to 63
  • Bridge profiles and reference sheets
  • Gauges, Cairo, IL to Gulf of Mexico – Appendix No. 1
  • Index to Revetments – Appendices Nos. 2-3
  • Mileage between Point on the Mississippi River – Appendix No. 9
  • List of Navigable Waterways in the Mississippi Valley – Appendix No. 10
  • Index to Localities – Appendix No. 11
  • Road Access Maps to the Mississippi River: Cairo, IL to Head of Passes, La
  • Mississippi River Gulf-Outlet (MRGO) – Map Nos. 103 to 111

Pages 1 to 10 (pdf 1.8 MB)

Pages 11 to 20 (pdf 44.5 MB)

Pages 21 to 30 (pdf 73.1 MB)

Pages 31 to 40 (pdf 70.2 MB)

Pages 41 to 50 (pdf 73.2 MB)

Pages 51 to 60 (pdf 69.9 MB)

Pages 61 to 70 (pdf 66.4 MB)

Pages 71 to 80 (pdf 64.1 MB)

Pages 81 to 92 (pdf 75.7 MB)

Copies of the original, complete edition and other products created by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are available at the maps sales offices of the Memphis, New Orleans and Vicksburg Districts.

Printed versions of these products may be purchased from the New Orleans District Map Sales function. Also prior book versions are available online from our Maps & Data pages


Geospatial Engineering
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