NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District continues to prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac. The safety of the public is and will always be the Corps top priority.
The Corps has alerted its emergency command posts and stationed local government liaisons within all 13 coastal parishes for redundant communications. Hurricane & Storm Damage Risk Reduction System emergency management teams will be stationed at project sites including the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway West Closure Complex, Seabrook Floodgate Complex, Inner Harbor Navigation Canal Surge Barrier, and all outfall canals to operate the structures as required.
In preparation for the storm’s landfall, the Corps has closed or is in the process of closing the following:
Hero Canal: 23 of 70+ closures along the canal are closed. Other major structures are still in the process of being closed;
Inner Harbor Navigation Canal Surge Barrier: Barge gate in place / closed; Vertical lift gate at Bayou Bienvenue closed; sector gate will close once conditions warrant.
Bayou Dupre: Sector gate closed;
Please keep in touch with local parish levee districts and emergency services for more information.
Release no. 12-041